Monday, October 24, 2011

Procrastination Pays Off?

I had intended to run after putting my two oldest on the bus this morning but (being the procrastinator I am) I forgot found something else to do. As I sat here wasting time in blogland while the littlest played with his cars I realized my kindergartener would be getting off the bus in about 45 minutes. I had wasted the whole morning!

It just happens to be a beautiful fall day here in Portland and I knew if I HURRIED I could run up to school and actually pick him up on foot for a nice walk/run home. That meant getting the jogging stroller out (which of course was burried in the garage with one wheel off and three wheels flat) and getting it all ready to go. I also had to get dressed and throw snacks/drinks in the bottom of the stroller for both boys just in case. I threw the little man in the stroller and off we went!

Of course the elementary school is over a mile away and pretty much straight up hill AND they've been working on some sort of construction project between here and there forever so there are no sidewalks on the quickest route. So we headed out on a little bit longer route through a neighborhood and made it to school with time to spare. Yay us!

My son was so excited to get to run home with us it made the whole ordeal worthwhile. I think we'll try to do that more often on lovely days like today (there likely won't be many...this is Oregon and all).

It took me about ten minutes to run the 1.15 miles to get there and about another 25 minutes for us to "run" back home. All in all, the most fun I've had on a run in a long time. :)

Day:  2
Today's Distance: 2.32 miles
Total Distance: 6.44 miles

1 comment:

  1. Watch out for blogland, I am pretty sure it is more addicting than Facebook... :)


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