Monday, April 30, 2012

Two Weeks Until Vegas!

We are still super busy with spring sports around here. This past weekend, we had back to back soccer and baseball. Both kiddos won their games and they both scored. Go team! I'm also super busy this time of year with consignment sales (I sell kid clothes and gear in my "spare" time).

That's my cutie scoring a run...

The Hubs and I are really looking forward to a sunny, Vegas vacation in 2 weeks. Really!

The Pool!

When I see my daily mileage, it looks kind of pitiful. Lots of solo mile runs, but I've been doing at least 3 classes a week at the gym on top of running. I'm really tired of treadmill time so the fact that the weather has been semi cooperative with short outside runs most days makes me very happy. I've got 3 loops mapped from my house that are exactly a mile. I should probably mix it up more and make them a bit longer.

My weekly long training runs have been going really well lately. I'm hoping that translates into a good 1/2 marathon experience at the Hippie Chick on May 12th. The course is updated for this year so that it's not two loops. That's good, but I looked at the map and part of the course is on a horribly ugly and boring stretch of road that I have promised myself I would never run again. Oh well. Guess I'll run it this one more time.

Yesterday's 11+ mile run was pretty awesome, despite what seemed to be allergies screwing with my lung function and snot production. As usual, Aimee (my BRB) was there to inspire. Plus, another friend joined us for our first 6 miles. I guess now I'm as ready as I'll be for my 2 half marathons in the next 3 weeks. Seriously? What was I thinking?

Days: 186-190
Daily Miles: 1, 1, 1, 1, 11.58
Total Miles: 405.83

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'll Save You The Trouble...

A potentially great run can be ruined by a pre-run dinner consisting of turkey chili dogs and beer. I learned that one so you can save yourself the hassle the next time you're considering it.

These weren't mine. But I can't say I wouldn't eat them...
On a positive note, even with two chili and beer induced walk breaks, I was able to run 3.31 miles in 31:16. Not horrible.

Good night.

Days: 184, 185
Daily Miles: 1, 3.31
Total Miles: 390.25

Sunday, April 22, 2012


If you live in know what I'm talking about! Hello sunburn and good bye crappy rain (if only for a few days)! I have been enjoying this beautiful weather with my awesome little family and I hope you have too!

Yesterday was a day of sporting events. My Buddy had baseball, then My Girl had a soccer game (she scored one of their three goals and they won 3-0!) then we had baseball opening ceremonies and parade. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love watching my kids play sports. It's the best thing in the whole world to me. I...LOVE...IT!!!

I swear I feed this little soccer star.

How cool is this kid?
My mom was here to visit this week and my older kiddos didn't have school Thursday or Friday so running miles and miles didn't happen. That's ok. I more than made up for it with other activities and I think my IT Band is thanking me for the little respite from higher mileage.

We leave for Vegas 4 weeks from tomorrow so I will be a crazy workout machine from now until then. Gotta put my best foot forward at the pool and show 'em what this 30 something mom of three is made of!

Days: 177-183
Daily Miles: 1, 3.2, 1.8, 1, 1, 1, 1
Total Miles: 385.94

Monday, April 16, 2012

Good Running Mojo

Yesterday's run was awesome! It started out with me pushing snooze one too many times and texting my BRB to come 15 minutes late. We had planned on 11 miles, but by the time we drank some coffee and left my house, we had decided to just do half of our run.

At around mile one, we decided to switch up our route and do about six miles in a different direction. After that, we decided to head up the hill and add a bit more for about seven miles. At the top of the hill, we decided to keep going to the end of the road and ended up finishing with over nine miles! We only stopped at that point due to some time constraints. I love that we were both having a great running day at the same time. We so totally rock!

I still need to get in a 10+ miler before The Hippie Chick Half Marathon next month, but I know I could have totally knocked out 13.1 today. And that's a decent feeling.

That's a whole 1/2 mile difference. Come on Nike!

On a side note...Nike+ needs to come up with a way to recalibrate Sportwatch runs because mine has been off with it's GPS again lately. I can't begin to tell you how annoying it is to be shorted so badly on a run! I can use the FREE Nike+ app on my iPhone and it lets me recalibrate. Why can't I do that with my ridiculously expensive watch? Hmmm? I think Uncle Phil needs to make that happen for me...ASAP.

Days: 173-176
Daily Miles: 1,1,1.6,9.14
Total Miles: 375.94

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Week? ...What A Slacker!

I can't believe I haven't blogged in a whole week! I'm not good at remembering to do this sometimes. Maybe I should get back to the everyday thing so it's more of a habit.

I've been busy working out like crazy to reach my goal of weighing 135 lbs by June 24th. I joined a new gym that is closer to my house and has more activities for the whole family. The kids are loving the pool (plus the allure of the outdoor pool in the summer has me working even harder to get into swimsuit shape fast) and I have tried a bunch of new cardio classes. I'm loving BodyCombat more than I can tell you. It's awesome and I can feel my arms getting better looking by the minute! Today I discovered Cardio Sculpt and the instructor is WAY into squats of all shapes and sizes. Hello booty!

As for running, I'm getting ready for my 1/2 marathon season. Next up...The Hippie Chick Half on Mother's Day weekend. I only ran the quarter last year because I was having IT Band issues leading up to it.

On Easter Sunday, my girl Aimee (we'll call her my BRB--best running buddy) and I did a 9ish miler full of killer hills. This coming weekend, we have an 11 mile run planned. I'm getting pretty excited to run my first 1/2 since 2008! I can't believe I haven't run one since I was preggo with My Babe (who is now almost 3 years old) shame on me!

Days: 167-172
Daily Miles: 1,1,8.92,1,1,1
Total Miles: 363.2

Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's On

In case you didn't know this, summer is on it's way. Even in Oregon. We will get a summer. Someday.

I've been putting in my due diligence and scouring Pinterest for the perfect body. Unfortunately, as you may have guessed, they all require a few more push ups and a few less cocktails than I am accustomed too. I used to be the girl with that body who drank little and worked out much. It seems my priorities have shifted over the years...

I've given myself a goal of weighing in at my wedding weight by our 12th anniversary in June. I'm not too far off, but I've got about 9ish lbs to lose and just less than 12 weeks to do it. If I'm going to get there, I know I will have to absolutely torture myself for the next 12 weeks (with little liquid gratification, which is the crappiest part). We were young when we got married. I had just graduated from college at the ripe old age of 21 and I never gained that freshman 15 (I waited until my early 20s to pack on that weight). Then I had three kids and that's never good for a girl's physique.

So far this week (since Monday), I've logged 11 miles and done Turbo Kick and BodyCombat classes at the gym. I have 2 (maybe 3) half marathons planned between now and then so I'll be running a bit here and there. Ha.

I don't expect a whole lot from myself. I'm pretty sure I'll only be as hot as this girl. That's all.

Image Credit

Days: 165 & 166
Daily Miles: 2 & 5.31
Total Miles: 349.28

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Will Continue To Rock

It's been a busy week since I last blogged. I've been running and Turbo Kicking and Zumbaing (is that a word?) as much as possible. I also got a handle on the whole potty training thing for The Babe. No more diapers in this house! WoooHooo!!!

Over this past week, I had a revelation. Ready for it? ...I'm actually in pretty darn good shape! I ran 6 miles (of hills) with a friend on Sunday but felt like I could have kept going and going. The next day, I ran 3 on the treadmill and felt the same way (but I stopped because it was after 10pm and I needed to go to bed). Yesterday I went to Turbo Kick (my favorite workout in the whole world) and did a round with some serious plyometrics. I kicked it's booty! I was doing sumo squat jumps and felt like I could have done them for days.

Here's my concern... I've been to this place before. I get fit, I kick ass, then I let it slide. My promise to myself this time? I WILL NOT STOP! I will keep kicking ass and getting stronger and I will treat my body as if it is the only one I have. My bones will get stronger with age, my body will have more lean mass and less fat. I will be healthy for my kids and their kids. This 1000 days is not a burden, it is a blessing and I will not forget that. I have a healthy body that is capable of so many amazing things and I will not take that for granted.

After all, I have to be able to keep up with these helmet wearing, playground kings! Why do I let my kids be so cool?

So, now I'm done going on about that. I appreciate everyone in my life who tells me I have inspired them to do something when they were used to doing nothing. Tell me your story if you want to share, I really do love hearing them!

Days: 158-164
Daily Miles: 1, 1.26, 1, 1, 6.05, 3.01, 1
Total Miles: 341.97

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